Vape Train Bitters

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Product Code: VTABitters

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Short description
Vape Train BittersDescriptionVape Train’s Bitters is our latest product to assist in creating a bitters flavour taste with a bitter mouthfeel. This product is suspended in PG and comes in liquid form ready to use... Read more...

Vape Train Bitters


Vape Train’s Bitters is our latest product to assist in creating a bitters flavour taste with a bitter mouthfeel. This product is suspended in PG and comes in liquid form ready to use in your next ejuice recipe that’s seeking an authentic bitter note.

Brief attributes

e-Liquid Recipe Usage Recommendation Rate 1% to 5% in a mix as a guide.

Steep Time Guide –  24hrs then test again to ensure it’s the level of bitterness you’re looking for

Can be used as standalone single dimensional flavour or combined with other flavours.

This is a concentrated flavouring to be mixed in DIY e-liquid. It is not to be vaped without diluting.

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Tags: vape, train, bitters, australia